Whew! It’s been quite a month since getting back from QuiltCon but I don’t want to completely miss posting a recap. Better late than never!
The trip really began several days in advance when my mom flew to Houston to stay with the girls. Hooray for a kid-free quilting-themed vacation! Jose and I flew out to Los Angeles on Tuesday February 20 and enjoyed a visit to the California Science Center on Wednesday to see Endeavour. It was fun to have that day to relax before QuiltCon began, but when Thursday rolled around we were up early to make it to the awards ceremony at 8:00.
A few weeks before QuiltCon, I’d gotten an email letting me know that my Backyard Chatter quilt had won an award so that was pretty exciting! But I didn’t know what it had won. I assumed that it would be an award within the Michael Miller Fabric Challenge category, and waited nervously in the audience for my category to come up. I had seen some of the other entries on social media before the show and they were amazing, so when they got to 3rd place, I absolutely 100% expected to see my quilt on the screen. But it wasn’t mine! A moment later, I poked Jose and said “whoa, I think I got 2nd!”
Then they announced the 2nd place winner, and it wasn’t me either. I swear my heart skipped a beat, and I turned to Jose again and whispered “OMG I think my quilt won 1st place!” Sure enough, they flipped to the 1st place winner and there was my quilt! I was stunned! I walked up to the stage to get my prize and honestly barely remember anything from those couple minutes. I’m just glad I didn’t trip on the stairs! I was so, so surprised and excited.

I rode the high from that for the next hour (and really, let’s be honest — for the whole trip) until the show doors opened at 10:00, at which point I immediately went to find my quilt. Eek! There is it! That’s really mine with the ribbon next to it!
It was such an honor to get this recognition, and at my very first QuiltCon. I’ve read enough about the judging process to know that it’s an art, not a science, and that there is certainly a lot of subjectivity involved. I was and am quite proud of this quilt, and I’m very appreciative that the judges saw value in my design concept and execution. But it was also only one of hundreds of beautiful, stunning quilts included in the show this year. It was thrilling and humbling to be included in the bunch!

We also walked over to the second part of the show located in another hall to find L Is For…, which was on display as part of the Quilt of the Month exhibit.

We spent Thursday, Friday and Saturday at the show. I took two classes (lino printing and screen printing, both with Karen Lewis) and will write about those later; I also met up with my MQG swap partner to exchange mini quilts! I walked all the aisles in the vendor area and picked up a few things. And finally, Jose and I also took the time — many hours spread over the course of those 3 days! — to see every single quilt in the show. The rest of this post is mainly photos of some of my favorites, so I’ll wrap up the post here before getting to the eye candy.

Overall QuiltCon was a super fun experience, and it was also nice to have Jose there for my first time. I had so many people make comments about him being bored or being “dragged around” as if going was a burden, but I knew differently. He really appreciates creativity and creative work in general, and I think he enjoyed walking the show floor as much as I did! It was also interesting to see how we approached the quilts with unique mindsets. Since I know how they’re made, I often focus on details related to the quilt construction — sections that must have been challenging to put together, or use of a particular technique that catches my eye. I enjoy the overall design, but I also enjoy thinking about the level of work and effort that went into it. If I know it must have taken weeks or months to make, my appreciation is only heightened. But Jose doesn’t think about any of those “behind the scenes” details, and really approached each quilt from a purely aesthetic perspective. It was nice to consider both sides!
And now…lots of quilts!

Best In Show Winner – Going Up by Stephanie Skardal

Best Machine Quilting (Frameless) – Happy Dance by Sandra Kaye
(Somehow I didn’t take a photo of the full quilt, but I love how you can see the quilting detail in this one!)

Bobby Dole’s Blue Jeans by Chawne Kimber

Charity Quilt Challenge by the Long Beach Modern Quilt Guild

Charity Quilt Challenge by the Portland Modern Quilt Guild

Dixon by Kathleen Riggins

I am enough. by Jessica Levitt

Feminist Quilt by Darci Read

Fireflies by Sarah Sharp, quilted by Rachael Dorr

Flying Buttresses by Andrea Tsang Jackson

Flying Geese Challenge – 1st Place – FREE MOTION by Mary Keasler

Gestures by Eva Schwarz

Good Luck by Jessica Wohl

Heart of Gold by Beth Chinderle

Group/Bee Quilts – 1st Place – The Here & Elsewhere Bee by Andrea Tsang Jackson, quilted by Sheri Lund

Hiss by Sarah Sharp

Improvisation – 1st Place – Leftovers #7 by Debra Jalbert

Light Comes from Inside by Beatrice Lanter (part of the SAQA Modern Inspirations exhibit)

Mama Bear Loves to Dance by Kari Anderson

Piecing – 2nd Place – Mirror Ball by Maria Shell

Is This a Modern Quilt? by Sarah Lowry

It’s OK To Be Plain by Rebecca Bell

Positive : Negative by Lorena Uriarte

Remote Destination by Christine Yi

People’s Choice Winner – She Was Warned by Liz Harvatine

Tower Court by Debbie Grifka

Veer by Jacquie Gehring

The Voodoo Code by Kathryn Upitis

Waves #4 by Etsuko Takahashi (part of the SAQA Modern Inspirations exhibit)

Words Matter by Robert Bosscher

Last but certainly not least, there were 12 sections of the AIDS quilt on display. I had never seen any of them before, and it was quite a moving exhibit. This block in particular really spoke to me, and I have thought of it often in the weeks since. “Even though my ideas and accomplishments did not change the world, I did live in it, and my friends and family made me feel king of it.” I hope that I will always be able to say the same.
Recaps from others: Sonic Stitches, Diary of a Quilter, Meadow Mist Designs, Quilting Jetgirl
Congrats on your quilt!! I love all your pics from QuiltCon! I have never been but will be going next year to Nashville and in 2020 to Austin! Glad you and Jose got some good alone time too! Congrats again!!
Thank you Cathy! I’m excited for you already to hear that you’ll be going next year. I’m not sure whether I’ll be there next year or not, but either way I will definitely be in Austin in 2020 — that’s too close to home to miss!