I set a pretty aggressive list of sewing/quilting goals for the first quarter (January-March) of this year. So how’s it going one month in?
- Interwined mini quilt. Done! I’m also putting the final touches on a pattern for this one and got some awesome volunteers to test it for me. This is the first time I’ve solicited testers and I’m excited to see what they come up with!
- Looptastic quilt for Charlotte. In work. I’m plugging away at it bit by bit. Each block has 2-3 rings and/or a center circle and I’m making 9 blocks. That means 27 rings/circles in all. Each ring is pieced, then backed with sew-in interfacing and turned for nice smooth edges, and will eventually get appliqued onto my background fabric. There’s a ways to go, but I got a few rings done over the weekend and am pretty pleased with how well they turned out!
- TBD quilt for my mom. I’ve never made one for her, and decided that would be my Christmas gift to her! When she was here just after the holidays, she looked through several of my quilting books and pointed out things that she liked. I’ve chosen a pattern, so my next step is to make a test block — and then I need to nail down fabrics!
- Long Time Gone Sew-Along. This was supposed to start in February but they changed the date to March 15…which is a good thing, since it will give me more time to prepare. I got the pattern a few weeks ago, skimmed through it a couple times already, and have converged on a fabric choice — I’m thinking scraps, sticking to blues and greens with plenty of neutrals for contrast, and gray crosshatch for the sashing. Fingers crossed it looks the way I think it will?? Between now and March 15, I plan to cut as much as I can in preparation.
- Barn Quilt Block of the Month. January block done. Two more this quarter, and 11 more this year…
- Tackle one UFO (unfinished object) per month. I’m still working on Charlotte’s stocking so I didn’t make the end of January, but like her quilt, I’m still making progress bit by bit. My February and March UFOs — a pillow and curtains — are still on the agenda.
- Secret Sewing project. Fabric should be arriving in the next couple days so I’ll be diving into that one (and Looptastic will go on the backburner).
All things considered, I’m doing really well despite my aggressive goals. But I’m also feeling extremely scattered this week. I’ve spent a lot of time in the last 10 days or so working on patterns — enough that I got antsy to just get off the computer and SEW SOMETHING already. Ha!
Awesome block and color choices! I love how your star pops! Great!
Thank you Patricia!
I love those rings! Enjoy the process.
Thanks Karen! Slow and steady is the name of the game — and the fabric