Here’s how I did in February…
Continue Couch to 5K. Done!
Finish my current work-in-progress baby quilt. I’m really close — I got the top pieced, basted everything, and finished quilting it this past weekend. All that’s left is to make and attach the binding.
“Evaluate” each room in our house. Done! It felt good to think through each room rather methodically, although it did lead to a very long list of updates/upgrades. I tend to be a better planner than doer sometimes, so the next step would be to actually start working down this long list that I made. But how to proceed? Room by room? Group similar items/upgrades together? If only checking stuff off the list were as easy as making the list!
And here’s what I’m tackling in March…
Continue going to bed at 11:00. This was the single thing I tried to do every day in February as part of this year’s One Little Word project, and overall it went pretty well. I’m going to carry the goal into March as well. If I can do it for 2 months, I figure I’ll be well on my way to making it a habit, yes?
Address a couple health-related items. I’ve been meaning to make a dermatologist visit part of my annual routine for years, and this month I’m going to finally do it. I also need to find a podiatrist. Does getting older means seeing more specialists? It’s starting to be true for me.
Finish this round of Couch to 5K. I’m up to 25 straight minutes of running and totally on track for the target 5K I chose, which is less than 3 weeks away. March 19!
Tackle 5 items from my house updates list. See above! I’m vowing to cross off at least 5 items this month. I don’t know which ones yet — but probably the small, easy ones first.
Dermatologist is good idea — protect your somewhat fair skin always!! Foot problems? Could be your shoes or just getting back into higher level of activity with C25K
25 straight minutes of running is fantastic!!!
Before I got to your last paragraph, I was going to suggest just that for the house to-dos: starting with some simpler, quicker things to check off to build up some momentum & motivation. Good luck!
I got a new dermatologist and a new podiatrist this year. The appointments were relatively quick and painless. Let me know if you want their names.
11:00 bedtime? how do you make it? Phew. I miss my night owl days.
How to I make it to bed that early, or how do I stay up that late? Ha! I’ve never fallen strongly on either side of the morning vs. night person thing — I can be both (although not at the same time) as the situation calls for. But these days when night is my time to really focus on my own stuff, my tendency is always to stay up later and later doing stuff. Getting to bed by 11 does require me to basically force myself to stop what I’m doing and go to bed. It takes willpower!