So I’ve got another big little announcement:
Jose, Emma and I are all excited to share that we’re expecting another baby in early September! And it’s another GIRL! And Emma will indeed be the best sis ever!
We found out a few days before Christmas so I’m just past the halfway mark. We had the big anatomy ultrasound on Friday and everything looks great, which was a huge relief to hear (and see). And while we’ve actually known it was a girl since mid-February, it was fun to have that doubly confirmed last week.
My first trimester was pretty uneventful, as it was when I was pregnant with Emma, except I was so SO much more tired this time. There were more nights than I can count where I basically collapsed on the couch (or into bed) as soon as Emma was asleep, and my energy to do much other than the necessities was basically nonexistent until the last month or so. I’m still tired a lot, but not quite as tired as I was in January, February, and parts of March.
I’m also feeling pretty out of shape since I gave up running when I found out I was pregnant. That was a bit of a bummer since it meant skipping the half marathon back in January, but it was the right decision for me. I’m looking forward to getting back in shape once the baby arrives, but I’m also not in a rush. Until then, I’m enjoying family walks when we can get them.
We told Emma about the baby a few weeks ago when she ended up coming to my monthly checkup since her ear infections kept her out of daycare that day. She’ll be 3 years (plus a few weeks) older than her sister. She doesn’t totally understand, of course, but she now rubs my tummy on a regular basis and talks about how there’s a baby in it. She got to hear the baby’s heartbeat at my appointment, so she also likes using her play stethoscope at home to “hear da baby’s heart.” It’s pretty charming and I can only hope her enthusiasm continues once her sister is actually here.
We’re having another baby! Whoa!
Congratulations! My son was born last September—it’s a good month for a baby!
It is…except for having to be super pregnant during a hot Houston summer.
What is your exact due date?
September 4. So if this one is early like Emma was, she could end up being an August baby too.
Cool! Briony’s due date was 9/2, and I was wondering if they might be the same, but close enough. If memory serves, Emma was just about 2 weeks early, right? Briony was exactly 2 weeks early.
It was definitely no picnic being pregnant in August even in Seattle, but hopefully you have excellent A/C.
Yeah, Emma was 8 days early so I keep saying September but it could very well be late August. Then I’d have two August kids! That’d be neat.
Oh, congratulations! I was just doing that annoying “I wonder if/when they’re going to have another one!” thing yesterday….so thrilled for you! And I am an August baby, as is my sister and my husband, so obviously summer pregnancy can be survived.
Haha, well you definitely weren’t the only one as I got several similar comments from friends when we started telling them a few weeks ago. Emma is an August baby and my due date this time is only 3 weeks later than it was with her. I survived it once, I can do it again!
That’s amazing news – congratulations!! Xx
Congrats that is wonderful news!
Very happy news! Somehow I imagine that little girl will be getting a beautiful quilt.
Emma didn’t get one until her first birthday…maybe I can do better with #2.
Yay! I’m so excited to welcome baby Ruiz!