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Jose’s mom has been visiting all week which has been great, as usual. Anytime she or my parents are around, they jump right in and help out with Emma — getting her up in the morning, spending time playing and reading, getting her ready for bed, etc — which gives both Jose and me some much-appreciated relief from the usual daily grind. We even went out for ice cream on Tuesday evening. Out on a week night! Amazing!
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I mentioned it briefly yesterday, but on Monday I sat down for an interview as part of the Women@NASA initiative. I’m excited to be a part of it, but the process of thinking about my story, putting together cohesive answers to deep questions, and trying to express them such that they can be pared down to a 3-5 minute online video…well, I left with surprisingly mixed emotions about my own life and personality.
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We stopped for coffee after the race last weekend, and Emma enjoyed her first Starbucks order. That’s a thing, right? Baby’s first Starbucks?
(It was strawberry milk, and she actually didn’t seem to like it very much.)
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Astronauts Chris Cassidy and Luca Parmitano, who both came home from stints on the space station last year, are doing Ironman in Hawaii this weekend. I hope they each have a great race!
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Random question, but does anybody else use the Target Cartwheel app? I’ve been trying it out lately and in theory it’s great, but geez, I am not someone who plans far enough ahead to take an actual shopping list to Target. Because of that, I always end up in the checkout line frantically searching through the app to see if there are any coupons for the things that ended up in my cart.
I know couponing is a “thing” these days, but it’s pretty clearly not one of MY things.
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Since they’re introducing the idea of potty training at daycare, I finally decided to start at home. For now, we’re doing what I’ll call the lazy man’s version of it — which just means that we sit her on the potty each night before bathtime. That’s it. She has yet to actually do anything on it, but she loves sitting there which I figure is a good start, right?
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I’ve started working on Emma’s Halloween costume — I couldn’t resist the cuteness of Mary Poppins, so that’s who she’s going to be! I ordered a toddler dress shirt online and made a simple navy blue elastic waist skirt. (The skirt has a red waistband that isn’t visible here because Emma was being uncooperative for picture-taking!)
I’ve ordered tights and shoes, and a hat and carpet bag are still on the to-make list. Adorable!
I can’t wait to see your video! We’ve watched several of them. I have the Cartwheel app. I’ve been trying to remember to scan each item as I put it in the cart (which has helped with my budget!). It is totally a pain, but I’ve saved a good chunk of money…when I remember.
When we PT’d our son, we marked a day on the calendar when both Niels and I would be home. We talked about it with D and when the big day came, we went out on our private deck and put him in a shirt and just underwear. He promptly had a miss and really did not like the feeling of being wet! We put on a clean pair of underwear and had him sit on the potty every 15 minutes until he went, then every hour after he went. We did that for one full day (and only 1 more miss). After that, whenever we went out, we put a diaper over his underwear so if he had a miss, it wouldn’t make a mess in the car or wherever, but he would feel it and want to avoid it. Worked great for us. He was good to go in about a week! (Nighttime took a bit longer).