Here’s the 6th piece in the series of posters I’m making for my Digital Media Studies Master’s Project. This one features Cassini, launched in 1997 to study Saturn, the behavior of its rings, and the surface of Titan (via the Huygens probe that Cassini carried). Cassini has produced some of my all-time favorite deep space images — I mean, how can anyone not admire Saturn’s stunning rings?
You can see that the finished piece ended up slightly different than the wireframing I showed last week. As I started to add color and texture, I ended up shifting the composition slightly — the terminator angle got shifted by 90 degrees, poor Titan got dropped completely, and the Cassini spacecraft got relocated.
To be honest, I’m not totally satisfied with this one. The colors still aren’t quite right, and I worry that Saturn itself is not obvious enough, but I’ve spent too much time tweaking for now and need to move on. I may revisit this one next month if I have the time.
(Previously: Curiosity, Sputnik, New Horizons, Venera, SOHO)
Are you doing Deep Impact? Because that could be totally awesome.
Hmm, it wasn’t on my list but you’re right, that would be a cool one. My remaining list is: Luna, Pioneer, Viking, Voyager, Hubble, Galileo, Hayabusa, Stardust and Rosetta. If I ditch one for Deep Impact, it’d be Pioneer, Viking or Stardust. Which would you get rid of?