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On Monday morning as I was driving down the main street of JSC, a robot passed me going the other way. This one looks like one of the many versions of Robonaut. Ho hum, just another day at work…
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Last weekend we hit Carter’s and Old Navy for another 4 pairs of pants for Emma. I swear her pants are disappearing into a black hole — I feel like I have bought at least 20 pairs in the last couple months — but really, she’s just grown out of a bunch of them. In related news, I am now buying size 2T for my 16-month-old, which seems crazy. I blame the skinny jeans trend. Why does my toddler need skinny jeans anyway? Why can’t they just make NORMAL kid jeans?
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One of the other moms in Emma’s class took photos when Santa came for a visit recently. I thought it might go better than the breakfast with Santa, since she’d be in the familiar environment of her classroom with her friends and teachers. Buuut not so much:
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Today is officially the beginning of my Christmas vacation, thanks to a well-timed superflex Friday. I do actually have to go to JSC this afternoon — but only to the daycare, since Emma’s class is having a holiday party. I volunteered to bring string cheese, because I was told it was an acceptable substitute for the “cheese slices” listed on the sign up sheet, and because it was the one thing I already had in my refrigerator. Basically, I really didn’t want to have to go back to the grocery store. Mom of the year! I know.
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So I came across this 30 day plank challenge a few days ago and I’m going to try it. I am horrible at planks, like seriously BAD, so this should be interesting. The progression looks reasonable a first. But planking for a full 5 minutes by day 30? Seriously?? 5 MINUTES?? Come on. I’ll believe that when I see it.
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I’m going to finish up Emma’s stocking this weekend. It took me several days to work up the courage to cut the cross stitched portion from a rectangle down to stocking shape and size — after all that work, the thought of having to cut it and potentially making a mistake gave me serious anxiety. In the end, I decided to sew the front onto a very lightweight piece of interfacing. Sewing the front onto a backing helped me get a nice, smooth edge. Plus, the fusible side faces out, so I can fuse this whole thing onto the front of the stocking itself before hand stitching it down for added security.
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I am so far behind on my Top Chef watching this season. Far enough behind that the Tivo, which is set to only keep 5 episodes of any given show, keeps overwriting the oldest ones with new episodes before I have a chance to watch it. Oh, talk about first world problems…
(Linking up: 7 Quick Takes, hosted by Conversation Diary)
Isla is barely in 2T – Emma must be really tall, because Isla is 80% in height and they still tend to be a bit long on her.
We don’t have any skinny jeans for Isla. I’m not even sure I’ve seen them sold! I must be out of it or something.
And that picture is hilarious!
#4 made me chuckle. That would totally be me. And as for the plank, more power to you. I’m stronger than I was a year ago thanks to Jazzercise, and for now I’m not feeling a need to do more. One of my Jazzercise instructors tried that plank challenge last winter. I just shook my head, impressed, a little awed, and feeling totally inadequate.
So who plays Santa at daycare now?
This year it was Nancy’s husband. Nancy may have come after you guys left — she’s the assistant director.