— 1 —
After being rather casual fans in years past, earlier this fall, Jose and I decided to start watching the Texans every weekend. They were supposed to be good this year, and we figured that would be a fun thing to look forward to on Sundays. So…yeah. We picked a really BAD year to start watching the Texans. After winning the first two games, they are now 2-8. Ugh.
— 2 —
On Wednesday night, we went to the ISS 15-Year Celebration party at Space Center Houston. We were there for about 1.5 hours and Emma spent most of it running around like a crazy toddler. We tried to go into the theater to hear the speeches from various program managers and VIPs, but it was full and Emma was squirmy, so we went back outside to watch it on the big screen in the big main room. Except they apparently couldn’t figure out how to pipe the audio out there, so it was just video. So overall, the whole thing was kind of a fail for us. But we tried, right?
— 3 —
We have way too many Apple devices. For fun, let’s count: three iPhones, an iPad, an iPad mini, two Macbook Pros, a Macbook Air, and an iMac. Oh, and an old iPod Shuffle. Keep in mind there are only two people capable of using these items in the house, i.e. none of them belong to Emma. And only one item is work-provided.
— 4 —
I am seriously debating whether it’d be worth it to pay someone $200 to put up our Christmas lights instead of doing it myself. It’s a two-person job for Jose and me, which is what we did from 2009-2011. Last year with Emma only a few months old, we just never got around to putting them up at all.
— 5 —
I have been having consistent body aches and headaches for two solid weeks now that only go away with Advil, so I finally went to the doctor yesterday. I don’t have any other symptoms, so they drew blood and sent it off to the lab. Hopefully by Monday I’ll know whether I have a virus or some sort of infection. They’re even testing for mono. THAT would be awesome.
— 6 —
The TIM I’ve been supporting for more than a week ended yesterday. (Well, it really ends today but today it just writing protocol — aka documenting what was discussed and the agreements made — and I don’t participate in that.) I’m glad it’s over. Supporting a meeting for such an extended period of time, being off-site, being away from my desk and my coworkers…it all made me feel like I was in the twilight zone.
— 7 —
I’m so excited for Thanksgiving and some time off! I had originally planned to take all of next week off work, but there are a few things going on that I need to be there for. Still, I think I can get by with working half days from Monday-Wednesday. With the free time, I’m planning to do some sewing, do some work on my master’s project, and finish a few lingering projects around the house.
(Linking up: 7 Quick Takes, hosted by Conversation Diary)
Is there such a thing as too many Apple products? I don’t think so.