It’s been 2 months since my last “stocking progress report” and I know you’re all wondering how it’s going…right? (Or at least, maybe you are if you haven’t seen my updates on Instagram.)
Here’s where things stood in early September:
Here’s several “in progress” shots (taken in varying lighting conditions which should explain why sometimes everything looks yellow!):
And here’s where things stand as of last night:
And just for fun, here’s a photo of the back:
I’m soooo close — with another 30 minutes of work, the cross stitching will be done. Repeat: THE CROSS STITCHING WILL BE DONE. And then I start outlining everything like a fiend. Bring on the back stitch!
Beautiful! It will be a treasure that Emma will keep forever and you will be proud of forever!! A true labor of love! BTW — the back looks as neat as the front