So here we go. This will be the first of at least a dozen posts — one per poster — on my oft-mentioned but oft-put-off Digital Media Studies Master’s Project. Instead of one giant undertaking, I finally decided to go with a series of smaller things, and settled on posters in honor of unmanned space missions. I’ve completed two so far for the Mars Curiosity Rover and the New Horizons probe on its way to Pluto.
I don’t have too much to say about this one. It’s not my best work, but I’m happy enough with how it turned out. It has the general look and feel I want, so although I could spend many more hours tweaking the colors and textures, I’m going to call it good enough and move on to the next. I have to keep reminding myself that the point of this project is not to produce a masterpiece; the point is to produce good enough work to finish my degree.
(That is not my usual mindset, so it’s tough. There is a quote from someone somewhere — I totally can’t even remember it well enough to find it — that basically says if you want to be good at something, do it A LOT. And at first it will really suck. But over time it will get better. The 10,000 hour rule in Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers is a similar idea. If you’re trying to get really good at something, quantity sometimes matters more than quality. So I guess I have a long way to go…and I think it would be good for me to be slightly less of a perfectionist.)
Anyway. There’s one! At least 11 more to go…
Whoa, neat! I can’t wait to see more of these. What does PAO think of your project…. Can they make use of your work at all? (Or does that cross too many lines…?)
Oh I love it! It reminds me of WALL-E!
I’ve always liked this video on Ira Glass’ thoughts on creative endeavors (which I thought of when you mentioned doing a thing a lot to be good at it).
Yes! That is totally the one I was looking for but couldn’t remember who it was!