I’m running or walking at least a mile each day through Easter. Here’s how I’m doing:
Feb 23 – 2 mile walk outside with Jose and Emma + 1 mile treadmill run
Feb 24 – 2 mile walk outside with Jose and Emma
Feb 25 – 1.9 mile treadmill run
Feb 26 – 1.2 mile treadmill walk
Feb 27 – 1.5 mile treadmill walk
Feb 28 – 1 mile treadmill walk
Mar 1 – 1.6 mile treadmill walk
Mar 2 – 4 mile run outside
I’m doing well so far! This week was a challenge for sure. I was overloaded at work and was working a bit from home each night just to keep up. Without the treadmill, I wouldn’t have gotten a bit of exercise during the week. Even WITH the treadmill, it was hard to get excited to walk, since I was basically exhausted by the time Emma went to bed. But the fact that I could walk a mile in <20 minutes and even read on my Kindle while I’m doing it helped a lot. Is it the best work out? No. But is it better than the alternative of doing nothing? Heck yes.
In other news, I utterly and completely forgot — until Erin reminded me a few days ago — that I agreed to run the Seabrook Marathon Relay on March 17. Each leg is ~6.5 miles but the farthest I’ve been running is 3 miles. When I signed up, I made it clear that no one should expect any speed from me, so I’ll survive. Today I did 4 miles, next weekend I’ll do 5 miles and voila, I’ll call myself ready.
I’ll get back to serious training…someday…
Nice job! I didn’t run a step this week.