I’ve considered buying a treadmill several times over the last decade, but always concluded that I wouldn’t use it enough to justify the expense since given the choice, I’d much rather run outside! But as I’ve already mentioned, squeezing exercise into my schedule these days has been tough. Despite my good intentions of getting up early and running before Emma wakes up in the morning, it just hasn’t happened. I’ve been running once a week on either Saturday or Sunday, and walking with Jose and Emma on the other day. On weekdays, aside from the very occasional workout video, I do nothing.
And that? Is just not going to cut it.
So I started thinking about getting a treadmill again, and for the first time, it seemed to make a lot of sense. I don’t have to worry about whether it’s dark or raining outside; I can run at any time of day no matter what the weather is like. The treadmill is in my bedroom, so I don’t even have to spend the extra 20 minutes to get to and from the Y. And on top of that, Jose was 100% onboard with the idea and plans to use it as well, so there are two users in the house instead of just me.
We tried out several brands and model at a local fitness equipment store and after some back-and-forth debating which features we really wanted, we chose a mid-range Life FItness model. And while I’ve called them “dreadmills” in the past, I’m really excited about it! It’s got some neat programs and features, but most important is that it’s solidly built, needs little-to-no maintenance, and is capable of handling daily use by two larger-than-average adults. I have every expectation of it performing well for years to come.
Now, really, no matter how tired I am, there’s no reason I can’t at least do SOMETHING, even if it’s just walking, for 20-30 minutes every day. So that’s my goal for the next five weeks, between now and the end of March: at least 1 mile per day, every day. (Not necessarily on the treadmill; if I can run outside, I will. But the treadmill will make the “every day” part possible!) I’ll keep you all posted on my progress.
And speaking of fitness, I’m officially registered for my first post-baby triathlon! I chose the TriGirl Super Sprint, a great local race on May 12. I’ve done their August race before but never the Super Sprint — which is always on Mother’s Day. I figure it’s a nice gift to myself for my very first Mother’s Day! The race is a 200 yard swim, 8 mile bike, and 2 mile run. I can’t wait!
Looks great! If we had space, I’d love to have one, but we don’t really have room. I have a feeling not much running is going to be happening for me after I go back to work.