One of my goals for the first part of 2013 is to find a workout schedule that works AND stick to it. There are four things I’d like to incorporate: running, workout/strength training videos, biking, and swimming. (My top priority are the first two, but I do hope to return to triathlons this summer, and that won’t be possible without putting the latter two on the agenda also.)
I borrowed a few Jillian Michaels DVDs from Erin and last weekend I did the first workout from the 30 Day Shred. OH MY GOODNESS. I was so sore afterwards that it was Wednesday evening before I felt like I could tackle it again without wanting to die. However, I was far less sore after the second time, which I’ll take as a good sign.
I’d like to continue using the workout videos 2-3 times per week because 1) they are by far the easiest thing to fit into my day, since I can do them at any hour, 2) some strength training will be good for me, and 3) they are on the short side. The 30 Day Shred workout is 20 minutes, which isn’t that long, but it’s better than nothing! And there’s really no excuse for not being able to find 20 minutes.
Running is a bigger challenge. As I’ve mentioned, I was doing well while I was still on maternity leave, and then things got more difficult after going back to work. Then at the beginning of December I pulled my calf muscle and completely fell off the running bandwagon. Last week I finally did what I knew was the wise thing to do and deferred my entry in this Sunday’s half marathon to 2014.
I’d like to run 3 times a week. One of these will obviously be on the weekend — heck, maybe two of them will be on the weekend, since that’s the easiest answer. But at minimum, I need to run at least once during the week, and here are the three options I have come up with:
- Run early in the morning, before Emma wakes up. She gets up at 7, so this would mean me getting up at 5:45-6 to fit in both a run and a shower before 7.
Pro: It gets the run out of the way first thing, so I know it’s done and don’t have to worry about what might happen later to derail my running plans.
Con: I have to get up earlier, on a regular basis, than I ever have in my adult life. (This, of course, also means I have to go to bed earlier.) - Run right after work.
Pro: It’s still light outside.
Con: I lose an hour of time with Emma, and time with her is already short since we work all day and she goes to bed early. Plus it puts the entire post-work childcare burden onto Jose. - Run after Emma goes to bed. She goes to bed at 8, so this would mean late runs.
Pro: I don’t lose time with Emma and I also don’t have to get up super early.
Con: This eats into the only 2-3 hours I have each day to do whatever it is I need/want to get done for myself that day. (I know, I know, running counts as something for myself too.) And I’d have to either run in the dark or drive to the Y. And we’ve usually just eaten dinner. And I’m usually pretty wiped out by this time of day.
It’s pretty clear that Option #1 is the answer. Options #2 and #3 might work even once in a while, but if I want to make it a habit, it’s got to be Option #1.
Sigh. Farewell, sweet sleep!
As for biking and swimming, I have no idea how to fit those into the mix right now so I’ve decided to tackle running and the workout videos first.
How is 1 better than 3? I mean, won’t you have to go to bed earlier to make 1 work?
Yes, I’ll have to go to bed earlier. But I think it will be far easier to get myself to bed earlier than to get myself to go out running after Emma’s in bed.