Time for some gratuitous photos of yours truly!
Here I am at the Rendezvous console towards the end of last Saturday’s docking. The cool part is you can even see the display on the front board that shows the shuttle just under 100 feet from docking.
This is the Orbit 1 team. I’m in the middle in the back. I wasn’t wearing a red shirt because apparently no one tells the lowly Rendezvous Officer about these types of things! (Probably because I’m lucky enough to get to go on-call for much of the docked phase of the mission, so I’m not always physically in the control center.)
Our team photos were scheduled early in the morning in the middle of the docked phase, and none of my backroom support came in for the photo. Therefore, I totally hijacked the FDO team photo. Just call this the “FDO/Rendezvous Team Who Were There At 5:19 AM” team photo.
Nice photos!