On Tuesday, I wore a light, summery skirt and a short sleeve shirt to work. Why? Because it was 75 degrees outside.
Twenty-four hours later, 99% of the blog posts, Twitter updates, and Flickr photos that I saw were some kind of variation on a single theme: IT IS SNOWING.
So yeah, it snowed. In Houston. Hard. More than an inch. Enough that it stuck to the ground! I couldn’t believe it, but I took full advantage. I was driving to class at 6:45, talking to my mom on the phone, when I commented to her that it was sleeting. Five minutes later as I neared UHCL, the sleet had most definitely become snow. As I walked in from the parking lot, everyone I passed had a stupid kid-like grin on their face.
Most of you know this, but just in case you don’t: it does not snow in Houston. It just doesn’t. Heck, it barely ever reaches the freezing mark at all! Snow is a once-every-10-years thing for us — so it’s not surprising that the entire city was full of people running around as giddy as children.
It was STLL snowing when I got out of class three hours later, and Jose had built a mini-snowman on the back of his car, which was pretty much the cutest thing ever. So we went outside and ran around for 45 minutes. We built a snowman, threw some snowballs, and just generally jumped around and exclaimed at how awesome it was that it was snowing.
Here are more of my crappy snow photos:
Your snowman looks much better than ours!!! It was fun!